Welcome to the stage, finalists: Launch 2019

Our biggest competition of the year is just around the corner. We are excited to present our eight finalist teams who will be taking the stage at Kresge Auditorium on Wednesday, May 15th:


AgroBeads is a fully biodegradable polymer that releases water and nutrients and target crop irrigation. The vision for commercializing this disruptive agricultural technology is to mitigate the losses in water and fertilizer management for plant irrigation while increasing growth performance and sustainable use of natural resources.

Myco Diagnostics

Myco Diagnostics is making low-cost, robust medical diagnostics, using thermostable binding proteins to capture disease biomarkers from patient samples. We are producing point-of-care assays for the detection of urine-based biomarkers of tuberculosis, allowing us to address patient groups ill-served by traditional TB tests.

Stratagen Bio

Stratagen Bio (formerly O2 Therapies) develops oxygen sensors to enable personalized cancer therapies. We address the unmet clinical need of identifying low-oxygen treatment resistant tumors.


T-var EdTech designs and sells devices that help kids learn to read. Its flagship product, The Read Read™, is the first device that allows kids to independently learn and practice phonics and braille.

Acoustic Wells

Acoustic Wells is developing an IoT control solution for oil wells. By leveraging a novel sensor, we can optimize the production while drastically reducing the amount of methane emitted.


Mechanodontics (MD) is a new type of braces that are placed behind the teeth and cannot be seen. It considerably shortens treatment time and number of visits to the orthodontist, allows for easier cleaning than traditional braces, and is more comfortable than any other behind-the-teeth braces.


Air pollution is a worldwide problem with the commercial air filters market exceeding $10B in 2018. Qtech filter is a patented technology which offers a drop-in replacement for existing HEPA filters to save more than 50% on total budget for commercial customers, specially reducing labor cost by 90%+ and wastes by 95%.


Posh is a Boston-based conversational AI platform company founded out of MIT's AI lab. Posh's platform powers more context-aware, humanlike bots for enterprise applications.